Ugunja Ukwala and Sega Water Supply and sanitation project is part of the Kenya Towns Sustainable Water Supply and Sanitation Programme (KTSWSSP).
It is funded by the African Development Bank and the Government of Kenya at a cost of KShs. 1.2 billion.
Among the development partners, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is funding the implementation of water and sanitation projects in 28 towns under the KTSWSSP.
The projects being implemented across various counties have been clustered into 3 regions and they are coordinated by three Water Works Development Agencies, namely; Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency, Athi Water Works Development Agency and Tana Water Works Development Agency.
Ugunja-Sega-Ukwala Water Supply and Sanitation Project is part of the wider KTSWSSP being implemented nationally in the 28 towns.
The project is being implemented by Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency with coordination from Rift Valley Water Works Development Agency.
It entails construction of new water supply systems with a design capacity of 8000 m3/day for Ugunja town, Ukwala town, Sega town and the environs.
The project specific objectives are to improve health, productivity and well-being of the targeted population, conserve trans-boundary freshwater biodiversity within the Lake Victoria Basin and increase resilience to climate change. The project targets to benefit 77,800 people.
The construction works commenced in 2019 and the project is expected to end in December 2021.
The scope of works include construction of a 4 km all weather access road to the intake works, 1 no. Intake weir constructed across Nzoia River at the water falls, 0.77 km raw water gravity main steel pipe and 9.07 km of clear water rising main 8,000 m3/day water treatment plant.
It will also entail construction of 1 no. storage reservoir of 7000m3 and 1 no. of steel elevated tank of 250m3, 20 km treated water gravity main and 6 nr. ablution blocks in informal settlements.