Lake Victoria South

 The AIC Kalyet Church Borehole Water Supply Project

AIC Kalyet Church Borehole Water Supply Project is located in Chebarema sub-location, Bureti Sub-County in Kericho County. The project was financed by Government of Kenya and implemented by LVSWWDA. It was initiated to supply water to AIC Kalyet Church, Kapkusum Primary School and the community around the school and church. 

The project aims to supply clean, affordable and sustainable portable water to serve 1,500 people within Chebarema sub-location. Kapkusum Primary School has 432 students. The school had no running water source before the implementation of the project and was largely depending on rainwater harvesting. The residents around were entirely depending on rainwater harvesting. The project was undertaken in two phases. Phase I which was drilling and the phase II which was Equipping, Civil and Building works. Drilling was undertaken by Komorono Ventures LTD while the equipping, civil and building works was undertaken by Mabota Investment Limited

The scope of the works executed comprised of: Drilling of a borehole to 160m depth having a yield of 9000 litres per hour, Installation of Solar Panel Modules. Installation of a submersible Pump of capacity 6,500 litres per hour, Pipelines and associated plumbing works, Construction of 3 numbers water kiosks complete with 4000 litre plastic tank. The water Kiosk are located at Chebarema Tea Buying Centre, Kiosk at Assistant Chief’s Camp and Kapkusum, construction of Solar Module structure, construction of Borehole, chamber Construction of Power House, installation of 60,000 litres composite Tank on a 6M High Elevated Steel Tower Platform, Branding of the Facilities Training of the project committee on maintenance and operation of the water system.

The Project is expected to serve over 1,500 people including the pupils of Kapkusum Primary School. The people will have access to clean, affordable and sustainable portable water. Currently the project is being managed, maintained and operated by Chebarema Welfare and Water Development Group Project Committee. It is expected that the project will be self-sustaining through the collection of fees at the point of water collection i.e. Water Kiosks and other methods as decided by the project Committee. These fees are expected to cater for repairs and committee allowances. There were no challenges experienced during implementation of the project.

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