Siaya Bondo Water Supply and Sanitation Project was commissioned by H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta, CGH on 30th May, 2021.
The project was intended to serve 201,258 people with water supply and 51,060 people with sanitation services by the year 2040. Its source is at Sidindi Malanga (Yala town), situated in Gem Constituency, within Siaya County.
It was implemented by Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency (LVSWWDA0 through financing by African Development Bank and Government of Kenya under Small Towns Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project at a cost of KSh 2.4 billion.
The project aims to serve Yala town, Siaya town, Kogello, Bondo town and the environs.
Its construction entailed rehabilitation of the existing water infrastructure at Sidindi Malanga, and putting up of a new water supply systems and sanitation interventions for Bondo and Siaya towns.
The construction works started on 2nd November 2013 and was substantially completed in December 2018.
Other scope of works for the water supply project entailed ssupply and installation of 5nr. hydro turbines and 2 electric pumps, laying a new 305m long DN450 raw water main along the existing main, construction of 12,000m3/day water treatment works among others.
The scope of works for sanitation project in Siaya town entailed laying of12 km precast Concrete Sewers, construction of exhauster tanker discharge bay, inlet works for physical treatment 2 nr anaerobic ponds, 1 nr facultative pond, 2 nr maturation pond. 8 nr public ablution blocks among others.
In Bondo Town, the scope of works for sanitation project entailed laying of13km precast Concrete Sewers, exhauster tanker discharge bay, inlet works for physical treatment, 2 nr anaerobic ponds, 1 nr facultative pond, 2 nr maturation pond,9 nr public ablution blocks among others.