Lake Victoria South


Africa Union High Representative for Infrastructure Development Rt. Hon. Raila Odinga today officially launched the Otonglo-Riat Water Supply Project implemented by Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency.

Phase one of the project expected to cost KShs 92 million will be complete in 2023 and will serve over 10,000 people. The second phase will also take another year of implemention and will ultimately serve over 50,000 people.

The Otongo-Riat Water Supply system will address the acute water shortage within the upper Western Corridor including Riat, Korando B location and Kogony/Kanyamedha areas. Water will be abstracted from Lake Victoria and pumped to a Water Treatment Plant within Otonglo area where clean water will be pumped to Riat hills and gravitated back to supply the areas with acute water shortage.

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