Lake Victoria South

Puche pan is a water storage reservoir located in Puche village within Owich Sub Location in Central Got Orango location, Nyatike Sub County in Migori County. This project was fully funded by the Government of Kenya (GoK) and implemented by Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency (LVSWWDA). The project was completed in June 2020; it has a holding capacity of 12,000,000 litres.  

Puche area which had previously been facing acute water shortage was the main driving force behind this project with the objective to enhance access to reliable water supply for both human and livestock population. Residents now do not have to walk long distances in search of water for their livestock making them concentrate on other duties with ease.

The project benefits an estimated population of 900 people who will have access to water for their daily needs.

The construction works of the project included excavation of pan reservoir and building of the dam embankment. There was installation of dam draw-off system, construction of a cattle trough for drinking safety for the animals which was a distance from the reservoir to avoid contamination of the water.  

Fencing works were also done around the project for security purposes to avoid accidents and access by unauthorized persons. Construction of a communal water point was done too where residents would fetch water without any difficulty and could be accessed easily.

To improve on the general hygiene of the area around the water pan, two 3 door latrine blocks were built for use by the residents and workers.

There is an established Project Management Committee comprising of 15 people who were trained on routine operation and maintenance of the project. They are responsible for management and sustainability of the pan. This project will and has greatly brought a significant development in the area thus ensuring that the livelihood of the residents is protected.

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