Lake Victoria South

Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency with a funding from the Government of Kenya has implemented a borehole water supply project for Mur Malaga Primary School pupils and surrounding residents. The borehole water supply project is located in in Udindi village within Mur Malanga sub location in South Alego location, Alego Usonga Sub County, Siaya County and was completed in November 2020.

This project serves an estimated population of 600 people in the locality. The project has a borehole drilled at a depth of 186 meters and can yield a total of 2500 litres of water per hour. Also installed and constructed are solar panels for pumping the water, water kiosk, borehole protection chamber, 10m high steel tower and installation of 10,000 litres plastic water tank on it, among other works.

For smooth operation, maintenance and sustainability of the project, the project is currently operated by the Project Management Committee on day to day basis. The Committee members were trained by the LVSWWDA in project management, revenue collection and management and operation and maintenance. It is therefore expected that the project will be self-sustaining through the collection of fees at the point of water collection.

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