Lake Victoria South

 Kisumu Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Kisumu Water Supply and Sanitation Project was implemented in three components at a total cost of KShs. 4.4 billion. 

It began with the Short Term Action Plan (STAP) which was meant to restore capapcity of the exisiting watger supply system from 11,000m3/day to 21,000m3/day.  It was completed in December 2007 at a cost of KShs. 441 million. 

Afterwards, Dunga Emergency Works Component was implemented. It Involved Dunga Intake and Treatment Works expansion from 21,000m3/day to 45,000m3/day. It was completed in 2011 at a cost of KShs. 106 million. 

The last component of implementation was the Long Term Action Plan (LTAP). Its objective was to develop water and sanitation measures to serve Kisumu City until 2031. 

It was implemented in three packages. Package one involved construction of Water Distribution Pipelines and Reservoirs at a cost of KShs. 1.6 billion and achieved water storage capacity of 27million litres of water.

The second package involved construction of Kajulu Intake, Water Treatment Works and Raw Water Pipelines.

It was completed in 2015 at a cost of KShs. 687million and achieved new water treatment works at Kajulu with capacity to treat additional 36,000m3/day for residents of Kisumu City. 

The third package was the construction of Nyalenda Ponds Sewerage System and Pumping Stations. This was completed in 2016 at a cost of KShs. 1.6 billion and achieved rehabilitation and extension of sewerage treatment plant and network. 

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