Kisii County has an area of 1317km and a population of 1,152,282 people according to 2009 census. Water coverage in Kisii Town, the largest urban center in the county, is currently at 63% but is expected to increase to about 80% once the new treatment plant is fully operationalized. Wastewater treatment is expected to improve to the to the accepted standards after once the rehabilitation at Suneka Wastewater Treatment Plant is completed which will help in sewerage coverage for Kisii Town. The project through a support to Wastewater Management Treatment Project in Lake Victoria South will result to Expansion of Suneka Wastewater Treatment Plant and Sewerage Network in Kisii Town and Suneka Trading Center.
Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency with funding support from the German Government through Kfw has expanded the Kegati Water Treatment Works. The scope of the works include improvement of existing Kegati intake works on river Gucha, expansion of existing raw water, expansion of existing Kegati water treatment works and rehabilitation of the existing sewerage system among others. The Kisii Water Supply Expansion Works also include Treated Water transmission main from Bobaracho to Nyanguru Tanks Reinforcement and Booster pumping station at Bobaracho.
The expansion of Kisii and Nyamira Water and Sanitation Works will cost KES. 2,289,840,260. The works will be implemented at a cost of 1.8 Billion. The project will serve 200,000 people as per the contract signed on 3rd March 2017.The works commenced in 31st March 2017 and is substantially complete and operational. Expansion of Kisii and Nyamira Water and Sanitation Works will cost KES. 2,289,840,260. The works will be implemented at a cost of 1.8 Billion. The project will serve 200,000 people as per the contract signed on 3rd March 2017.The works commenced in 31st March 2017 and is substantially complete and operational.