His Excellency Hon. Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta EGH, President of The Republic of Kenya and Commander in Chief of The Defense Forces commissioned Siaya Bondo Water Supply & Sanitation Project on the May 30th 2021.
The project implemented by Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency was financed by African Development Bank and Government of Kenya under Small Towns Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project at a cost of KShs.2.4 billion.
The president was joined by Former Prime Minister Hon. Raila Odinga, Water CS Sicily Kariuki (Mrs), EGH, Water PS Mr. Joseph Irungu CBS among several leaders were also present during the occasion.
The commissioned project serves Siaya, Bondo and Yala towns and Kogelo village and its environs. Its construction entailed rehabilitation and expansion of existing water infrastructure at Sidindi Malanga, transmission of by gravity to Siaya and Bondo through Kogello village.
The project targets to serve 201,258 people with a steady water supply and 51,060 people with sanitation services by 2040.
The expected outcomes of the project are to reduce non-revenue water from 40 per cent to 20 per cent, catalyze commercial activities, drive economic growth and increase end-user connectivity to 150,000 new consumers and customer base for the Siaya Bondo Water Supply and Sanitation Project.
The construction works on the project started in November 2013 and was substantially completed in December 2018.