This project is intended to improve Water Supply and Sanitation Services in the town of Kericho, to meet the year 2030 demands.
It has been financed by the Federal Republic of Germany, through KfW Development Bank (KfW) and The Government of Kenya (GoK).
The Program objective is to ensure the provision of sufficient, hygienic, economically viable and affordable Water and Sanitation Services for the population of the selected towns, thus contributing to the overall development goal of improving the health of the urban population by reducing waterborne diseases and favouring economic development.
The Program also supports enhancement of water supply and sanitation service delivery and sustainability through improved commercialization, pro-poor orientation and clustering of schemes.
It will encompass construction of a new run of the river intake on River Kimugu at an elevation, a new Raw Water Gravity Main, Steel pipe, length 7660m and a new Kimugu Treatment Works of capacity 13,000m3/day at an elevation at Duka Moja area to boost the current Design Capacity of water production systems of 12,700m3/day in Kericho.
The project will also ensure construction of additional 50.6 km distribution mains. This will increase the network to a total of 165.6 km.
Others are additional 2nr. Reinforced Concrete Storage Tanks of total Capacity 6,000m3 i.e. 5,000m3 Tank at Treatment Works and 1,000m3 Tank at Kipsirkong area and other associated works which include installation of valves, bulk meters, fine hydrants, washouts, etc. and construction of chambers.