Lake Victoria South

Lake Victoria South Water Works Development Agency (LVWSWWDA)’s CEO Eng. George Odedeh on 31st May, 2021 hosted EU’s Acting Ambassador Ms Katrine Hagemann who visited planned intervention sites for the Lake Victoria Water and Sanitation (LVWATSAN) Programme. 

The EU and its agencies- EIB and AfD, are funding LVWATSAN Program to rehabilitate and upgrade Dunga water intake facility do adapt to climate change and population pressure due to the rapid development of Kisumu City.

Under the program, a new wastewater facility will be constructed near Otonglo area to ensure that western part of Kisumu city is sewered. The existing Kisat Sewerage Treatment Plant and Nyalenda Wastewater stabilization ponds will also be rehabilitated and upgraded.

The mission also visited Dunga Water Treatment Plant’s intake point which is also planned for rehabilitation and upgrading in order to adapt to climate change and population pressure due to the rapid development of Kisumu City.

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